Willander Karting

$100 of $3500
Help Afton and Jenson continue to pursue their karting career. As third-generation racers, they are looking to compete in the remainder of the Texas Sprint Racing Series. They are raising money for entry fees and tires. Thank you!

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About racer

I am competing in my second season of karting and I moved up to 206 Senior this year. My brother and I race with our parents and travel across the Southern part of the U.S. My family has a long line of motorsports lineage. I was named after the Lake Afton Grand Prix event that took place with SCCA ending in 1991. My grandparents competed in this event many times. I am a third generation racing driver. My parents have worked on the business and operational side of racing for many years, and my grandfather and uncle were both Championship winning drivers in many categories of car racing.
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$100 of $3500

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