K1 Speed Race Fees

Wilmington, MA, USA

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Event starts - 06 Aug 2024
Sponsor before - 01 Aug 2024

As a driven high school student starting my racing career at K1 Speed racing leagues, I am actively seeking sponsorships to bolster my racing ambitions. Your support will help cover race fees, practice costs, and essential gear like racing gloves. In return, your business logo will be prominently displayed on my helmets during all races and practices, offering valuable exposure to a dedicated audience. Let's forge a partnership that accelerates both our aspirations in the thrilling world of motorsports. If you choose to purchase a sticker, please contact me through my Instagram, link in bio, to further discuss the promotion.


Right side of helmet

Potential future helmet design above, stickers will be placed in between the lines. Each sticker will have roughly a maximum height of 1 inch and width of 2 inch. Rectangular and circular designs are accepted. The sticker will be left on the helmet throughout the season (end of 2024).


Left side of helmet

Potential future helmet design above, stickers will be placed in between the lines. Each sticker will have roughly a maximum height of 1 inch and width of 2 inch. Rectangular and circular designs are accepted. The sticker will be left on the helmet throughout the season (end of 2024).


Front part of top of helmet

Circular designs preferred with a radius of about 2 inches.


Visor shield strip

Text only, will be placed across the visor shield strip, roughly 1 inch height of text.
